About Rupert Jones

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Entries by Rupert Jones

How Hard is the CFA Exam Levels I, II, and III?

Remember the days when a mere bachelor’s degree in finance would set you apart? In today’s competitive world, the CFA®  charter is what differentiates novices from experts. So, for anyone thinking of becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA® ), the question that inevitably pops up is, “How hard is the CFA® exam, really?” While each […]

Best Series 63 Study Guides and Exam Prep

Studying and passing the Series 63 exam is no easy task. Luckily these prep courses are designed to help prepare you for the actual test. You can do this by using tools like practice tests, self-study package options, and other course materials tailored to your learning style–and of course, study guides. Reviews of the Best […]

CFA Pass Rates and Historical Scores (Updated 2025)

The CFA® is a notoriously tough test, and when it comes to average pass rates, historical numbers aren’t encouraging. For years, CFA® exam pass rates have hovered around 40 percent, with the CFA® Institute revealing that, on average, only 4 out of 10 students who sit down for the test walk away with passing CFA® […]

Analyst Prep Promo Codes (CFA & FRM Discounts)

Are you preparing for CFA I, CFA II, or CFA III exams? Analyst Prep’s highly-ranked CFA test prep platform may be just what you need to ensure that you pass with flying colors.  The same is true for those studying for an FRM exam. FRM part I and FRM part II study programs are offered […]

How to Get a CFA Exam Passing Score In 2025

The CFA exam is one of the most difficult exams out there. And if you’re not prepared, you’ll not pass or receive a CFA charter. With CFA historical pass rates averaging around 40 percent for years, it’s safe to say that it takes more than basic knowledge of CFA concepts to become a charterholder. Even […]

Series 7 Exam Pass Rate: How Hard is the Series 7?

The Series 7 is a tough exam, and the pass rate reflects that. At present, the overall pass rate is 65%. That means that nearly four out of every ten people who take the exam fail. The good news is that the pass rate has been trending upward in recent years. In 2015, the Series […]

Salt Solutions CFA® Review

When it comes to earning your Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) certification, you need the best CFA® study materials available. Unfortunately, many common CFA® exam prep courses and platforms are overwhelming, difficult to navigate through, or don’t give you the materials you need to succeed. Salt Solutions CFA® is different. This one-of-a-kind comprehensive platform is the […]

About Me

Who is Rupert Jones? Hi! I’m Rupert, a finance advisor and fierce advocate of the FIRE movement. I studied finance in university and formerly held a CFA charter before switching gears to write, advise clients, and manage my investments. I was only able to achieve financial independence at such a young age because I was […]

6 Best Financial Certifications That Have the Best ROI

Choosing the right financial certification can be tough if you don’t know what you’re getting into. Many financial certifications claim to improve your career prospects, but they cost exorbitant amounts of time and money to earn. That’s why you need to understand the best certifications for your finance that will give you a good return […]

Best Series 65 Exam Prep & Study Guides

Ever heard the joke about the future investment advisor who walked into an exam room? Neither did we, because they were too busy acing the Series 65 with the right prep course! If you’re busy preparing to pass the FINRA Series 65 licensing exam, you may be wondering which exam prep to purchase. This is […]

The Princeton Review CFA® Prep Course Review

Overview of The Princeton Review CFA® The Princeton Review CFA® prep course has been a trusted name in education for over 35 years. With a team of qualified instructors and well-designed study materials, they have helped countless students pass their CFA® exams. Any aspiring investors and financial advisors know how important a CFA® credential can […]

Best CFA® Level 3 Study Materials: 2025 Exam Prep

Are you ready to ace your final exam day and become a Chartered Financial Analyst? Well, if you don’t have the best CFA® Level 3 study materials, you’re not. For most candidates, Level 3 is the final and most difficult step in earning your CFA® certification. By passing the CFA® Level III exam, you’ll prove […]

Best Series 7 Study Materials

If you’re preparing for the Series 7 Exam, you probably feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of study materials, prep courses, and practice exams. You’ll want to make sure that your hard-earned money is being used wisely to properly prepare you for your future in the financial sector. But finding the best Series 7 study materials […]

6 Best FMVA Certification Courses of 2025

Anyone interested in finance should seriously consider a career in financial planning and analysis (FP&A). It’s an incredibly lucrative accounting profession that can net you a six figure income in a few years, and can even lead to a C-suite position with enough time.  Of course, a career path as appealing as this one will […]

Best CFA® Level 2 Study Materials – 2025 Exam Prep

The CFA® exam consists of three sequential exams. Each one covers different concepts and asks you to display different skills. However, it’s commonly accepted that Level 2 is the most difficult of all the tests— only 55% of takers pass it on their first try. Because of that, you’ll want to make sure that you […]

Apptuto CFA® Reviews

Apptuto CFA Review uses innovative technology and a seamless learning platform to offer a fresh new look and feel to preparing for the CFA exam. They offer CFA prep courses for both Level 1 and Level 2 exams with plans to rollout their level 3 course in late 2016.

How to Pass the CFA® Level 2 Exam

You’ve passed Level I of the CFA® exam. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get ready for the notorious Level II. The reputation of Level II can be quite intimidating since many candidates consider this to be the most challenging level of the CFA® exam. A big mistake you can make is to study for Level […]


CFA® or MBA, which is better? This is a question many business professionals ask themselves when they are mapping out their career paths. The answer to this question depends on many factors, including your professional goals, background, and resources. It’s important to know the difference between a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation and a Masters in Business […]

CFA® Requirements

Those looking for an edge in the competitive world of finance should consider the benefits of obtaining the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) credential. Earning the globally-recognized CFA® charter demonstrates a high degree of specialized knowledge and skills used in investment analysis and decision making. The CFA® credential is considered the gold standard in the field of […]

CFA® Exam FAQs

The CFA® exam includes a series of three exams: Levels I, II, and III. Given that there are various different exams and registration dates, you must make sure to register for the correct exam on time. To help you keep track of all the important information and dates, we’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the […]

CFA® Salary Breakdown

In considering whether to pursue a professional degree or qualification, two key factors often influence the decision: bettering your career prospects and earning a greater income. There is some consensus that, after a certain point in your life, the position and the job profile matter more than the salary. This is true to a certain […]

Which Jobs are Open to CFA® Candidates?

It’s easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel if we understand exactly from where that illumination comes. In other words, knowing what jobs are open to CFA® charterholders makes studying for the levels of the exam a little easier. I passed each section of the CFA®, but I knew WHY I […]

How Long Does It Take to Pass All Three Levels of CFA® Exam?

Before deciding whether or not to become a licensed CFA®, you must be willing to put in the hundreds of hours of work. Many of the benefits associated with becoming a CFA® charterholder are financial. But, remember: people in the field know that passing the three levels of the CFA® exam is an unparalleled achievement, […]

How to Pass The CFA Level 1 Exam In 2025

You’ve decided you are ready to take on the challenge of the CFA® exam and become a Chartered Financial Analyst. Make sure you have thought this through because it’s going to be a tough couple years. Even though only 20% of the people who take Level I make it all the way to the end […]

Bionic Turtle FRM Review

RATING: ★★★★★ Bionic Turtle was one of the first FRM preparation providers to instruct with videos and e-learning tools.  Founded by David Harper in 2004, the owner continues to write practice exam questions and tests them out on the world’s most active FRM forum that Bionic Turtle has developed. The company’s goal is to provide high quality materials […]

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